Dreams/Nightmares Journal

No. 1: Recurring School Dream/Nightmare

I keep having the same dream for a while. The place is a middle school, but the people in the class are my high school classmates and my high school English teacher. I saw this very often when I left school. There is never a beginning. The part I remember is that I was in school or in the garden and my goal was to get out of school and get home BECAUSE I DON'T STUDY IN THE DAMN SCHOOL ANYMORE! I leave school, but my house is not opposite the school as it should be. Then the Dream is divided into 2 parts. Proceeding into buildings that are not my home and wandering the streets to find my home.

When I enter buildings that are not my home, I get into the elevator and dozens of buttons greet me. The elevator goes diagonally and flips like a roller coaster! Then I get off it and wander around buildings with ridiculous floor layouts. I run into some people I've known my whole life and I try and fail to reach home.

If I go to the streets instead of entering buildings, I always follow the same system. First straight, then first right, then left, left again, right, second left, right and left again. My house appears in front of me. Just as I'm about to enter the door, I wake up.

If I had to say something about it, I think it reflects my guilt in dropping out of school because I was extremely nervous, scared, fed up and angry every time I saw it. I won't read anymore. I have no excuse not to make money, and I can't work a regular job because of sound sensitivity and migraines. I'm almost 18 and I have nothing to earn money from! This makes me nervous... My family doesn't mind this, they won't judge me even if I continue to live in their house penniless at the age of 30. But I AM judging myself!.

No. 2: Dance Dream with Dabi

My favorite dream! Because I was too attached to the MHA anime, I saw a character there in my dreams.

I was on a stage, La Alegria was playing in the background and I was dancing, AND WITH DABI! It was so beautiful that I drew it!