About Me!

My Current Concerns

New anxieties will be quite renewed.

  • 12.07.2024 I'm very nervous about the site... I'm afraid of getting bad (uncritical and heartbreaking) comments...
  • 14.07.2024 My concern turned out to be complete nonsense. Thank you everyone for the nice notes I wrote in the guestbook!

Things You May Want to Know:

Hello again! Since you came to the About section, the first impression is good and you want to get to know me! I'm so glad about this! When I learned that most people first look at the "about me" pages, I thought it would be good to talk about myself in a little more detail and decided to add a text here other than the list.


I want to be known as Afton here, but if we've known each other before, you can continue to call me Night or Game. Even if you know my real name, don't use it, my real name is quite "feminine" and I don't like it, at all! I'm transmasculine, non-binary, my pronouns are he/him, and my orientation is omnisexual. So in this case, if you are transphobic and homophobic, it is not appropriate to stop here.

I want to create a space here where people can be comfortable and be themselves! And naturally, I want to ensure my own comfort first! To improve the site, I spend most of my day browsing other sites, hanging out on the Melonland forum (finding ideas and suggestions for sites) and thinking all the time! I add everything that comes to my mind to my to-do list on this page. My overall goal for now is to find a bunch of things to do. I can't implement exactly what I have in mind because I don't know enough coding.

I bought a course online for this and I'm starting to learn something thanks to the course! I will continue to make changes here as a result of what I have learned! This is a small project that will continue to develop with me!

I'm also working on my own fantasy universe! Once I'm done creating this universe, I'll adapt it to my site! Then voila, things will look the way I want! Until then, I'll keep testing what I can do.

Apart from these, I draw, design characters and write stories. I publish my tricks on Wattpad (all in Turkish), I share some of my pictures on Instagram, but when I create a painting section here, I will start sharing my pictures here!


Personally, I am a very cheerful person. In my normal mood, I try to stay away from seriousness and make jokes. You can make a joke out of anything (which you probably find mostly funny) and I can laugh at any joke. I'm always working on something, I'm never idle. I love toys and have a huge army of plush toys. I also love buying notebooks and pens, I love the pen tip decorations! I provide analysis and guidance services for all kinds of objects - some of them not included - as if they were real. I love trying new things and even though I'm scared, I succeed thanks to my family. I have a love toy in my own way and she is my life. My best friend, my confidant, my playmate and my traveling companion.

I hate everything about school. I'll stay in school, graduate from high school, and I won't be studying any time soon. Don't let me touch my stuff personally, and in general I hate it when people I don't like touch my stuff. Things are important to me. They are not just objects, they are my memories, their friends, and they are a part of me. His belongings are valuable to me. I would hate for them to take away my computer, Vox, and it's even more disgusting than hate! It's like Vox Kill for me. I hate criticism, but I try to accept them and be kind while they occur. The main reason for my hatred of criticism is probably my perfectionism. Some things are important to me and I have some ground rules and patterns. I won't say all of these, but I am very attached to things that are considered worthless, and what is probably meaningless to you may be something in my life, or vice versa.


I deal with depression, social anxiety, and migraines, and they seriously impact my life.

Migraine attacks can last for hours and I cannot do anything when it hurts, so I had to go to the hospital many times. I can only recover with strong painkillers and sleep.

Social anxiety affects my real-life relationships and causes my migraines to increase. In real life, I am distant from people, I do not want to have contact with people other than my family, except under certain circumstances, I talk very little and I do not want to engage in any conversation other than the topics I love, have knowledge about, and are in my area of ​​interest. I say things that would be right to say instead of what I really think, and then I regret it and worry about it.

Depression is the worst... Medication makes it a little easier for me to cope. As long as I have new interests and a good environment, I can handle it, but some periods are difficult. I hate all humanity and everything else, I feel sad and exhausted all the time, I don't want to do anything and my only wish is to die. I tried to kill myself, but of course I stopped midway and gave up. I can't... I'm not afraid of dying, but I'm afraid of what will be left behind after my death. There are so many things I want to do... But don't worry, I try very hard not to reflect this on my friends and those around me, so here is the cheerful Afton :3


Wow...I guess that's it! I hope we get along well and you have fun!

  • The biggest information about me: I have kinnies with Deku (My Hero Academia) and Dazai (Bungou Stray Dogs)!

    If you know these two characters, you know me 90%! I can easily say that I am 80% Deku! Dazai, on the other hand, is more for melancholic attitudes.

What I Expect From You?

I don't know if the title is correct, but let's not get too carried away... In short, I have only one expectation from the people who come to this site: Not to interfere. I repeated this twice on the homepage as well, and I need extra repetition here too because I don't want to hate these beautiful sites either. I will write a blog post about this, but to briefly summarize my problem: PEOPLE CAN LOVE WHO THEY WANT! This could be a person or a character. Anyone can like anything as long as it's legal. I hope to meet people who understand this topic!

What will happen on this site?

This is my site and its main subject is: Me!

It will be about the Ocs I've made, my drawings, everything about the fandoms I'm in, my personal recommendations, my notes, my writings and many more things I can't think of! I wanted my own corner on the internet and I want to find it thanks to this site! I'm working hard to organize this place and I hope I can do a good job! My main goal: To do something fun.

My Story

Nothing too epic, but I want to briefly talk about my own life! I am an extraordinary person born in Turkey, in an extraordinary family that seems ordinary! From the outside, it may seem quite normal, but from the inside, we are not that normal! My family is my everything. I always spend my time with them - except for the pandemic year when I kept to myself. We eat, drink and have fun together! We talk to objects and play with plushies! I love my mom and dad, but I love my sister more than them! My sister is my best friend and confidant! Even if we fight, I don't even want to think of a life without him! So my sister is my most important red line! So I won't say anything in detail about it. I know there are good people here, but there are always bad people. I said I was 17 years old, but I don't go to school. I dropped out of school, completely. Because reading is not for me and I have sound sensitivity. That's why I'm trying to do something without reading. I write stories on Wattpad, make digital and traditional drawings, learn coding and try to improve myself. Before these sites, I tried to make a game - a visual novel - but I didn't have a good enough subject. So I postponed that project until I found a good topic. Later, a friend of mine from Wattpad asked me if I would write stories about the games of my favorite game developer, NomnomNami (her site is also on my favorite sites list, go to the Random section for that). So while I was looking at his site to see if I had installed all his games, I clicked a link and then another link and another link! I enjoyed browsing the sites so much that I decided at that moment:


Welcome to my mind my friends, I hope I can manage to entertain you!

Why am I here? What is my purpose?

As I explained, I discovered these sites completely by chance and I loved them. So why do I have a website? Why am I here!?

Frankly, it was the site creators who got me excited again. I saw tips and resources on how to do it on several sites, and once I was told how easy it was, and I've been working on it since July 5, 2024! (You can reach my favorite sites by going to the "Random" page)

As for my goal... I always wanted to make myself permanent. If I die, what will remain of me except the sadness of my loved ones? The sadness will pass with time and I will be forgotten. That's why I have to be persistent. I must somehow be remembered well for what I have done.

I tried to make a game for this, but I couldn't find a topic. I'm trying out the website now!

My Thoughts About Social Media:

Dump. A HUGE dump. And this is a beautiful thing :3

Garbage and beauty don't sound very compatible, I'm aware of that, but it's a very literal idea.

Dumpsters are treasures! Yes, rotten food or apple peels are more fertilizer than treasure, but you can still find good things in the trash.

One man's trash, another man's treasure!

Although there are generally stinky and bad things, the landfills are quite large and also hide good things in them. If an old sofa is washed well and covered with fabric, it becomes a brand new sofa!

The important thing is not to wander through the garbage dump, but to take the garbage and turn it into treasure!

Writing code or stealing from pre-coded, free and open-to-use schemes is just like that! The codes don't mean anything individually, but if you combine them, you get a super cool site!

The important thing is to appreciate it, protect it and take care of it! The internet is our garbage dump and we must make this dump our treasure!

To Do List:

  • Build shrines! -NomnomNami games -Gravity falls -Undertale -Hazbin Hotel -BNHA -and more!
  • Create a drawings page. Separate between digital and traditional!
  • Create my comments page [It will contain: -Movie reviews -Series reviews (maybe) -Book reviews (books on websites -AO3 etc.) -Game comments]
  • Make a page about songs I listen to
  • Continue working on the original universe project and publish it on the site.
  • Make a quotes section (quotes from lyrics, books and movies).
  • Memorial corner for Kivi. (Maybe)
  • My stuff page. (My favorite items, my plush toys, things I made, and pieces from my altar!)
  • Change the theme completely, try different themes!
  • Make a simple game in the style of Picrew.
  • Prepare themes for important occasions (like Dia de Muertos).
  • Take a personality test
  • Turn this into a choose-your-own-adventure story (use Twine).
  • Create a "Happiness Corner" page (A page about the things that make me happy - people, things, memories, fandoms, or anything else)
  • Add other ocs, especially Puppeteer and Game, to the "My Oc" page!
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  • **Note: I wrote the last item so as not to forget it, but it is cryptic because THIS WILL BE A MYSTERY! So I would appreciate it if you didn't translate :3 **

My favorites:

  • Games: Genshin Impact (my current obsession) Toem, ALL NOMNOMNAMI GAMES, Stardew Valley, How We Got Here, Helltaker, Unpacking, Beat Cop, Omori, Outcore, The Stanley Parable, Strange Horticulture, Papers, Please, One Hell of a Coffee Shop, Therapy With Dr Albert Krueger...
  • Cartoon Series: Gravity Falls, Hazbin Hotel, Craig of the Creek (There are more but these are the first three!)
  • Anime: My Hero Academia and Bungou Stray Dogs
  • Color: Purple
  • Animals: Dog, owl and turtle