My Blog
Hello my web pal!
Welcome to my blog page! Here from time to time I will share my thoughts on various topics, events happening in my life, and other random posts!
I hope you enjoy reading!
19 November 2024: Voice test! Have I been heard?
Heyo! How's life going? It's fine for me! Especially after returning to these neocities sites! I'm discovering a lot of new sites these days and this discovery is officially NOT OVER! And I absolutely LOVE it! But let's not go too fast, let's go back to the beginning, in depth, in this article!
Why am I doing this?
I was clearly pumped!
Since I started using the internet, browsing through sites has been my favorite thing. I was exploring, reading, reviewing and having fun! Then HOP is another site! Explore, read, review and have fun, then HOP is another site!
I found myself in brand new worlds, new mental dumps, and one of them was Melon's site.
Here's a link to Melon's site
After reading Melon's manifesto and Guide to the Rebirth of the Web, I was extremely excited and decided: I WILL DO IT TOO!
But naturally my first attempts were complete failures; The site looked extremely bad because I had zero CSS knowledge. So I discovered layout builders and made the first layout. For a while all day was spent on the sites, everything was there and I had big plans! But then I concentrated on my writing... And I forgot my site.
And now I'm BACK! I continue to add to this site and then I will learn programming languages such as Python, C#, C++, get my certifications and earn money as a freelance developer!
The first thing I want to do after making money is obvious: Build a highly secure social media platform entirely for artists' art!
My plan is solid, my future is clear and I am determined!
last update: 19 November 2024